Tuesday, 27 June 2017

Tips To increase The Odds of Successful Joint Replacement Surgery in Gurgaon

The hardest things about the joint problems are the proper diagnosis of the condition. People usually spend several months and years suffering from chronic pain and thinking about finding the right treatment that will prove the best to cure the problem. It is very painful and frustrating condition for people to live with joint pain.  Joint Replacement Surgery in Gurgaon offers great relief to the people so that they can manage their condition and live a normal life as they want.
Besides having this surgery there are certain points that should always be followed to reduce the chances of joint problems –

Monday, 12 June 2017

Shoot the Pain Forever with the Joint Replacement Surgery in Delhi

The human body is made up of several major and minor bone joints making the body flexible and move-able that lets us perform our daily activities like walking, running, bending, sitting, stretching, etc. the major joints of our body includes knee, hip, shoulder, thighs, and elbows. While, the minor joints include finger, wrist, ankle, and foot. Discomfort, pain, and soreness in the joints can make the person incapable of performing the routine activities. And even after the long-term medication and various therapies, the pain is not relieved then the orthopedics recommends undergoing the joint replacement surgery in Delhi. The joint replacement surgery is a long-term based treatment to relief the pain and brings the life back in action. Joint pain or stiffness can be caused due to the growing age, arthritis, fracture, bone tumor, certain surgery, or severe injury. Among which the arthritis is the most common cause for the joint pain. In a national survey report, it is mentioned that around 1/3rd of the population complained having joint pain. And knee pain was the most common among all followed by shoulder and hip joint pain.
The surgeon first identifies the pain and tries to diagnose the conditions with the alternative treatments like medication and physical therapies, and when nothing seems to be working to relieve the pain, then the surgeon recommends the joint replacement surgery in Delhi as the last and best treatment solution. Since the replacement surgery is considered as the best treatment with the high success rate. The joints are replaced with the prosthesis or artificial joint which results in quick pain relief and increased mobility along with the quality life. The replaced artificial joints generally last for up to 10 to 15 years. After undergoing the joint replacement surgery in Delhi, the patient is advised to follow a healthy diet plan including a good amount of calories, proteins, carbohydrates, calcium, and fats. The appropriate amount of nutrients will help the patient to recover soon and actively participate in the routine actions of life.